140-pound silver king is day's big catch at rodeo
Houston's Preston takes early lead
Friday, July 29, 2005
By Andrew Canulette
Staff writer
Windy conditions and rough offshore waters limited the number of big-game fish weighed during the first day of the 84th International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo.
But a steady stream of shoreline fish, as well as four tarpon, made up for any lapses in the action.
Tom Preston of Houston, fishing aboard the "No Prat II", outran a late afternoon squall to weigh a tarpon he caught at West Delta 58. Preston arrived at the Sand Dollar Marina scales at 7:40 p.m. (twenty minutes before they closed) and entered a silver king that weighed 140 pounds, giving him the first-day lead in the rodeo's most heralded division.
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